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Water for the Future

Developed by The Coca-Cola Company, Coca-Cola FEMSA, Fundación FEMSA,

The Nature Conservancy, and FUNDECOR


We return water to nature that has been consumed.​


We work in the upper part of the Central Volcanic Mountain Range, Escazú Mountains, and the Rodeo sector.


  • 5 family beneficiaries in five years

  • 603,200 m3 of water returned to nature 

  • 605 ha under forest protection and regeneration regimes

Water Recharge to Compensate the Hydrological Footprint

Developed by Florida Ice & Farm and FUNDECOR.


We calculate the recharge capacity of specific sites and implement actions.​


We work in the upper part of the Central Volcanic Mountain Range.

​10 family beneficiaries in five years


  • 10 family beneficiaries in five years

  • 5,743,361 m3 of potential water recharge

  • 455 ha under forest protection regimes in the FONAFIFO program


Capacity Building to Guarantee Security and Sustainability in Costa Rica´s Central Valley

Developed by: UNA-SIL, ESPH and FUNDECOR


We strengthen the ability to collect data with water and hydrometereological measurement equipment deployed in Agua Tica’s area of influence. 


We work in the Central Volcanic Mountain Range and Escazú Mountains.


  • 24/7 monitoring network of 18 sites including meteorological stations, rain and humidity meters, spring systems, automatic samplers, and isotopic measurement stations.

  • Development of isotopic maps.

  • 25 trained proffesionals 

  • Analyzed more that 3,000 samples of Oxygen and Hydrogen 2 isotopes

  • Data delivered to the Global Network of Isotopes in Precipitation


Developed by: UICN and FUNDECOR


LandScale piloting — a tool to measure the state of a landscape — with Agua Tica. This will allow Agua Tica to continue the process at a landscape scale of improving socioeconomic and environmental results and communicate its achievements to donors while attracting new members or investors. 


Municipalities within the Greater Metropolitan Area of Costa Rica. ​


  • Currently under implementation

Restauración de Agua

Desarrollado por: INTEL y FUNDECOR


Devolvemos a la naturaleza el recurso hídrico que se consume en los procesos productivos de INTEL- Costa Rica por medio de esquemas de protección de bosque en zonas de recarga acuifera del Valle Central. 


Cordillera Volcánica Central, Gran Área Metropolitana de Costa Rica.


  • 2 familias beneficiarias durante 5 años

  • 384.560 m3 de agua restaurados a la naturaleza 

  • 368 ha en esquemas de protección de bosque 

We need your support today!

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