Our Partners
Agua Tica is a valuable public-private and civil society collaborative alliance, integrated by:
Gobierno de la República de Costa Rica, Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía (MINAE), Instituto Costarricense de Acueductos y Alcantarillados (AYA), Banco Nacional, BLP, Coca-Cola FEMSA, Fundación CRUSA, Empresa de Servicios Públicos de Heredia (ESPH), Fundación FEMSA, FIFCO, FUNDECOR, The Nature Conservancy (TNC), Universidad Nacional (UNA), UNA-SIL (Laboratorio de Isótopos Estables) y Unión de Asociaciones Griegas por el Ambiente y la Salud (UNAGUAS).

Government of the Republic of Costa Rica

Institution in charge of managing the resources of Costa Rica destined to the protection of the environment, and related.
Institution that ensures access to drinking water for the population and the management of the aquifer infrastructure in Costa Rica.

Coca-Cola FEMSA
Company that produces and distributes drinks on behalf for Coca Cola.

The CRUSA Foundation is a private, independent, non-profit Costa Rican foundation that supports projects falling within its strategic focus and manages and promotes long-term initiatives, partnerships, and cooperation networks.

Public institution that provides an integrated and sustainable water management to guarantee its quantity and quality necessary for the needs of the country.

Private entity that offers quality services in the water, energy, sanitation, communications, and other sectors to promote social development by continual improvement in its management.

Its mission is to make social investments to have a positive impact on people’s lives and build more solid and sustainable communities where it operates. It works with more than 250 partners in 18 countries, with whom it seeks to identify, replicate and scale innovative solutions and approaches.

FUNDECOR is a non-profit that works in integrated landscape management in Costa Rica. It has more than 30 years of experience.

The Nature Conservancy (TNC)
TNC is a non-profit that conserves biodiversity and natural habitats.

UNA-SIL is unique in Central America and the Caribbean due to its laser absorption technology that analyzes isotopes in water and humidity samples.

UNAGUAS’s mission is to promote and strengthen integrated water management, offering community solutions with a responsible, committed, and effective team.
We are part of:

Agua Tica Board of Directors
Board of Directors
President, CRUSA Fundation.
Vice President, UNAGUAS.
Secretary, ESPH.
Treasurer, The Nature Conservancy.
Member at large, FIFCO.
Member at large, FEMSA Fundation.
Member at large, Water Bureau.
President, Surveillance Committee, AyA
Technical Secretariat, FUNDECOR.
Strategic Partners
Legal Counsel, BLP.
Financial Advisor, Banco Nacional de Costa Rica.
Technical Support, UNA.
When you conserve water, you conserve life